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Registrations for Recreational Gym Classes Available online 24/7

WAG 2024 – 25 Season

Competition Schedules

Planned meet dates can be found in your account under calendar which lists the weekends when the competitions are held as well as venue location. Detailed schedules are not available unitl a couple of weeks before the meet dates. When we receive them from the hosting club, we will post them here. The following are for your planning purpose.

Please note that your daughter is not in everyone of these meets. She is registered in 2 or 3 depending on the group. Level 3 and up may go to championship if qualify. We will find out in March or April when announced by the provincial association. 

Dec 5 – 9: All Stars, Brampton (OCP L3 – 6)

Jan. 17 – 19:  ASF, Richmond Hill (OCP L2*) direction

Feb 13 – 16: Quinte Bay, Bellville (all Xcel, OCP L3 – 6) tentative schedule 

Feb 28 – Mar 2: ASF, Richmond Hill (OCP L2) Tentative Schedule,  admission Info

Mar. 6 – 9: AIM, Pickering (all Xcel, OCP L3 – L6) Tentative Schedule

Apr. 10 – 13: OCP L6 – 10 Ontario Championships, Libro Credit Union Centre, Windsor

Apr 24 – 27: OCP L3 – 5, Ontario Championships, Angus  Recreation Centre

May 23 – 25 All Stars, Brampton (all Xcel, OCP L2


To purchase supplies, please use the links below to make payment in the system, then pick up from your coach. 

Athletic TAPE


Notes on Attending WAG/MAG Competitions

Our WAG (girls) and MAG (boys) competitive teams attend two to three competitions mid to late season, generally between Jan to May (GTA area for WAG girls, further for MAG boys).

Groups may go to different meets. Higher level competitions happen earlier (Dec - Mar) while younger ones are later (Feb - May). 

Older athletes can also qualify to attend a provincial final which can be held at any corner of the province.

​Competitions are opportunity to showcase what a young gymnast has learned and perfected in his/her training. The fun and thrills of meets are the most exciting part of a gymnast's journey. However, winning should not be the only, or even the most important goal. Parents may keep this in mind, as well as explaining it to your young gymnast. To grow as an athlete is about setting personal goals, to improve and challenge oneself to do the best possible.

Comparing one to the other is not a fruitful practice. The most valuable life lessons for gymnasts are learning to be tough so they can perform under pressure; and to become resilient so they can manage and deal with success as well as criticism and setbacks. Coaches and parents are on the same team, working together to encourage and support young athletes to grow up as strong, healthy, happy and confident individuals.

​Sign up for competitions happens early in the season. The entries are confirmed by the hosting gym club, starting about December. Dates of those weekends will then be posted on our website as they come in (not same for each group). Meets normally run from 8 am to about 8 pm.

The detailed schedule for those weekends are not known to us until we hear from the hosting club, usually about 2 weeks before the meet dates. Only by then we can update which day and what time each individual athlete competes. Mark the weekend in your calendar and be prepared. Check back often to find the details thereafter.



Attend Full training

- Come to all classes that are available to you

- Keep a positive outlook in every practice

- Avoid taking holidays before a meet. Anyone missing training in 

  the three weeks leading up to a meet may be pulled at the discretion 

  of the coaching team

Check List: wear or bring with you

- Wear your competitive suit 

- Tracksuit uniform (jacket, pants)

- Solid white socks (no colour pattern)

- Male: shorts (and if required long pants for certain apparatus)

- Grips, wrist bands,

- Female gymnast Extra hair ties and clips, Hair spray, Brush

- Water bottle (Water Only!)

- A simple, no mess, healthy snack after the competition is done, between awards.

- All these items in a small gym bag (if you need one, make a purchase from the club)

- Hand sanitizer

- paper tissues

- sport sandals are useful in large venues (trip to bathroom, between events)


- Before meets, facilitate for good rest, eating well, relaxing and reducing anxiety

- Review routines in your head with positive outcomes

- No nail polish on fingers or toes

- No sparkles in hair, no make up

- Non-scented hand lotion and lip chap

- No tattoos

- under layer clothing should be covered (e.g. no bras straps shown)


Tips for parents

- Check the schedule (account for the driving time) to arrive at the start of registration (can be early as 7:30 am)

- Your child's competition can last between 1 - 3 hr+

- Bring cash and credit card. All competitions charge admission fees (about $10 pp)

- There may be snack stands and often gym suits for sale, but do bring water

- Respect hosting club's rules (e.g. enter separate from gymnast, no food or drink other than water in viewing area)

- No Flash Photography

- Cheering is allowed, all in good taste

- Please do not approach your child while they are on the competition floor

- Questions about the meet for coach? Please arrange to meet with the coach after you return to the home gym

- Refrain from discussing your child's achievements in front of others

- Keep it positive !! Do not make negative comments on other athletes (ours or other clubs)

- Enjoy the experience of watching all the youngsters striving to do their best in front of you

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