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Registrations for Recreational Gym Classes Available online 24/7

Birthday Parties


Celebrate With Us!

Sit back, relax, and leave the hosting to us! Birthday parties are available for booking from September to June on Saturday evenings from 5:00pm -6:45pm. During the months of July & August Saturdays and Sundays can be booked by special arrangement. Our birthday parties include 55 minutes in the gym with a certified coach that will lead the gymnastics session,  and 45 minutes in the party room for cake, food, and/or presents*. 

The gym does not provide food, drinks, or decorations for birthday parties, however parents of the birthday boy or girl are welcome to arrive 15 minutes early before the party to decorate and/or set up. We are a nut free facility, please adhere to this policy with what you bring to the party. Decor must be free of adhesives and cannot be taped or pinned to walls or windows as they may cause damages.

A party participant waiver and emergency contact information will need to be filled out for each attendee at the start of your party. It can be downloaded from the bottom of this page. 

Basic package - Party for up to 8 children (4 - 13 yr) including birthday child with 1 coach. Minimum one adult (1) from the hosting family (maximum 2 adults) can remain at the venue*.

Add-on package: Extra guests of up to 8 children in addition to the first 8 can be booked as Add-on package below. Each group of 8 may have 1 extra supervising adult remaining at the gym.

Notes ** There is no capacity for parties with more than 3 adults. 

*All guests are to be picked up by 6:45 pm on Saturday. Late fee will apply if the venue is not vacated at 7 pm.


Party Package


Up to 8 children
including the birthday child

Members discount while available: $20 off 


Add-on for parties of 9 - 16 Children 
including the birthday child


All birthday parties include:

1 - 2 staff members (dependent on party size)

2 - 3 pre-built age appropriate circuits

Exclusive use of the entire gym for the duration of the birthday child's party

The use of the kitchen and/or hallway as a party room

Book Now

Have a bigger party? No problem! Email us at for pricing and availability.


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