Registrations for Recreational Gym Classes Available online 24/7
Our Policies & FAQ

How do I register my child?
Registration is open 24/7 online using the internet. Head over to the Registration page. Based on your child's age, find the suitable program, then choose the day/time that works for your schedule. Click the "Registration" button, then follow the prompts (create an account if new to the system Uplifter). You will be able to sign up, make payment and get a confirmation by email.
Do you offer a trial class?
At this time, we do not offer trial class. Trial class is not possible during the regular program time. This is to ensure our members the better class experience. At times, special open house events may be scheduled for the public. It will be announced in advance. Anyone wishes to try a class can sign up online during open house.
What is the length of your program?
Our season roughly follow the school year. Our yearly programs starts in September and ends in June. Recreational classes are available on Tuesday, Thursday evenings, and Saturday, Sunday mornings. You choose the day/time and attend the same class each week. The other days are for the competitive program.
From July to August, we offer summer camps and summer classes. Registration for the summer is separate, usually opens in May.
When is my class?
Classes begin in the fall on the weekend after school starts. You attend the class you have registered for on the same day, same time each week. If you cannot recall which class, log into your account and see the calendar. It has all your classes listed.
What should my child wear to class?
Please get dressed at home (before driving to the gym) in athletic attires that are comfortable, form fitting (not too loose) and allow free movements. For safety reasons, no hoodies, no jeans, no buttons, no zippers; no skirts, no dresses, no fitbits, no jewellery. These cannot be worn in class. Footwear: not needed. Gymnasts practice in bare foot in the gym. Best outfit for girls: gymsuits and shorts, or fitted T-shirts and leggings. For boys, t-shirt with shorts (not too loose) or biking pants. Long hair must be tied up securely in braid or pony tail for safety.
What to bring for class?
A small bag specifically for gym with your child's name printed clearly. Inside, have a water bottle, a small card with contact info of the person doing the pick up. A change of clothing for the younger one (in case of accident). Please mark ALL belongings with your child's name. Do not wear watch, jewellery; do not bring money or toys. These items cannot go in the class and the gym cannot be responsible for their safe keeping
What is your pick up and drop off policy?
Please accompany your child to and from the facility, and stay with your child until their class begins. Children cannot be left unattended prior to the start of their class. Athletes must be picked up on time from their programs or a late pick up fee will be charged.
When to enter the gym?
Arrive 5 minutes early (maximum, no earlier than 15 minute) to use the bathroom (not for changing, please dress at home). All participants are to wait in the hall way for coaches' signal before entering the gym. If you are late, check if bathroom trip is needed (to avoid accidents). Then, alert a staff so we can take your child into the gym.
Where do I park?
Front lot parking is very limited. Please do not park at our neighbour's spots. Plenty of spots are available at the back of the building; also along the SOUTH side drive way (to the right of the building from the front). For older children, 10yr+, you may make a brief stop (but not parking) on the road side and walk them to the door.
What is Late Pick up, and its fees?
Late pick up: $10 will be charged to your account if late for up to 15 minutes after class ends; $20 for 16+minutes after class ends
Can parents enter the gym?
Only parent in the Parent and Tot class can enter the practice area. Parents of all other classes may choose to observe from the viewing area. However, for your gymnast's better focus on the training, it is best to keep it short. In addition, please help to avoid crowding in the viewing area. Share the space by keeping your stay to under 20 minutes so other families have a chance. Because the children practice in bare feet, please consume only water while on the premises. Consider visiting nearby parks, coffee shops, shopping and public library which are only 3 minutes away from the gym.
For those children who need their parents inside the gym for comfort, please sign up in Parent and Tot to start off the year. Then, change class later when the child is ready.
For Parent and Tot, one (only 1) adult is to accompany the child and act as the assistant coach to own child. Please dress in comfortable clothing ready to be active and support the child.
What do the children learn in class?
Class starts will a general warm up, then each group will get to work on the apparatus designed for the olympic events; for girls, vault, bars, beam, and floor; for boys, floor, pommel, rings, vault, parallel bars and high bar. Additional equipment for drills that aid to work on these events, and specific equipment tailored for the children's smaller statures; a trampoline, ropes, aa tumble track round out the circuits for the practice. Our qualified coaches will guide the children through drills to improve specific gymnastics skills as well as general strength, flexibility and coordination. Evaluations are based on the 12 level Cangym program. Gymnasts 6 yr+ are assessed and will get a report card twice a year.
Is there Any Extra Fee Added to the Tuition?
There is no added tax to the fees listed as our club is a non-profit organization. An annual membership fee is added automatically at enrollment each year. This non-refundable fee is to register the gymnast with our provincial sport governing association. It is valid from July 1st to June 30th of the subsequent year. The membership is portable, meaning it is valid at other sanctioned clubs in the province. Please contact the office if you withdraw because moving to a different city/region.
Can I change my child's program?
Provided there is availability, changing the day/time of your child's program is not a problem. Please check the schedule and find the new class of your choice, then email the office at An administrative fee of $5 per transfer will apply.
Do you offer make up classes?
In cases of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances when classes are cancelled by the club, we will make every effort to schedule a make-up class where possible. No make-up classes, refunds, or credits if participants are absent from class for personal reasons (illness, party, trips). In cases of long term illness or injury that prevents your child from participating for 4 weeks or more, a credit may be issued (no refunds) at the discretion of our recreational director. Please email your request with supporting documents from a medical professional. Adjustment is decided on a case by case basis.
If I joined late, is my child's program pro-rated?
Yes. you will not be charged for classes that took place before your child was registered.
How does the subscription payment work?
Our regular season runs from September until June, the billing is based on the full season. In the first month, you will be charged for the first and the final month (usually June), either at the same time or separately. The balance are on a monthly equal payment plan, hence the monthly amount is the same for the rest of the year.
My child had less classes this month due to a holiday/break/club event, why is my monthly bill the same?
Your billing is based on the whole season, September until June. Holidays, school breaks, and other club events are already taken into account in the calculation of the total. Unless you pay the lumpsum at time of registration, the system automatically put the charges on a monthly equal payment plan, hence the same amount for each month.
What is your refund/cancellation policy?
No refund will be necessary if you are on the monthly equal payment plan. If you paid lumpsum at time of registration, refund is available after the two months notice. To withdraw early (before June), please give two full calendar months notice by e-mail, attach your original registration record, to An administrative fee of $15.00 will apply to all cancellations.
What if my child's program is cancelled?
If your child's program is cancelled due to low registration, a full refund will be issued to your account.
Still Looking For An Answer?
No Problem! Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.